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Usually, a SLIP or PPP connection serves one of the following purposes:

A given SLIP or PPP link can be set up so that one system always initiates the connection (by dialing the other system), or it can be set up so that either system can initiate the connection. In the case of a client-server connection, the client usually initiates the connection by dialing the server. However, the connection can be bi-directional as well. In the case of a connection between two networks, you can either choose one system to initiate connection, or allow either system to initiate the connection as needed.

Setting up an individual system as a SLIP or PPP client requires the following steps:

  1. Install the software.

  2. Select and install the appropriate hardware (modem and cable).

  3. Select an IP address.

  4. Configure the software for dial-out.

  5. Configure routing behavior.
Setting up a system as a SLIP or PPP server requires the following steps:

  1. Install the software.

  2. Select and install the appropriate hardware (modem and cable).

  3. Configure the software for dial-in (set up configuration information for each client).

  4. Configure routing behavior.
Connecting two networks using SLIP or PPP requires the following steps:

  1. Install the software on both systems.

  2. Select and install the appropriate hardware (modem and cable) on both systems.

  3. Configure the software for dial-out access on one or both systems.

  4. Configure the software for dial-in access on one or both systems.

  5. Configure routing behavior.

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